Ferguson Missouri

What Fun is the Looting?

Ok, folks, I just don’t get it. I mean really, why do you want to burn down your own town, your own neighborhood and vandalize your neighbor’s store? Why do you want to make the place that is your home a disaster area with boarded up fronts and streets littered with broken glass and burned out car bodies? Have you no pride? Have you no common sense? What is your thinking? Where is your sense of pride? How are we to respect your race, your stand on the issues or the point you are trying to make when you are busy looting and vandalizing? Why steal from your neighbor and loot his store? Why vandalize it and burn it?

The verdict came down today on Officer Wilson and the general consensus was he should have been indicted. He wasn’t. Now the chaos starts and the racial tension which has been on a steady rise since Obama stepped into office is becoming a bigger issue. As a country, we were making strides in the realm of racial issues and had come a long way from the 1960s. But all it took was a half black, half white man to be elected president and all hard earned respect for blacks went out the door thanks to Reverend Jesse and Al Sharpton. They pulled the race card from the cobwebs in the corner and started flashing it about again. Obama was the token black in the spotlight and that’s all it took.

Unfortunately, Obama’s father, who was black, was never even a descendent of the slave population of this country. He was from Kenya. Obama has no roots in slavery. His mother is white. When I was growing up, we were taught that these people of mixed heritage were mulattos. Let’s face it folks, he technically is not the first African-American president. He is the first mulatto president. However, it has been enough to ignite the racial card again. This saddens me.

Again we are starting a whole generation out on suspicion of the other race whether it is black or white and we are hearing more about racial inequality. What strides that have been made since the 1960s are being quickly swept aside and distrust is mounting between the races again. And, when you look at their leaders, who lives better than Jesse or Al? I am tired of these two mouthpieces, their crocodile tears and their constant harping about unfair advantages. They have certainly made a killing off reminding everyone that there should be a race problem.

I am sorry for a nation that falls under the spell of these men who offer nothing but words and stir emotions to the point of violence. They are never there when the violence erupts, they are at the scene afterwards to try to drive home the point of the disadvantaged blacks and uphold the belief the frustration was only an outlet for the unlawful acts of violence.

There is no reason to ruin another black person’s livelihood, their business or home. The total disrespect overwhelms me. This is not disobedience, is it being a criminal, plain and simple. It is acts of violence to a neighbor, a friend or relative with no thought of what rebuilding the neighborhood will cost or who will pay the price.

However, we need to examine the troublemakers shipped in who have no stake in this neighborhood. The instigators, shipped in from elsewhere, who lead the violence, the riots, who know the ways to enflame a crowd. They are the ones that need to be sent packing, put them back on the buses, the vans and send them home. Let them ruin their own neighborhoods with fire and threats. They are paid well to lead others into the jaws of ruin, kick them out and let them go home with their pockets that are well lined with cash from the people who benefit from such acts of violence, the ones that feed on the misery of others.

I also blame the media for giving them the platform by covering these events in such detail. Take your cameras, your vans, go home, and don’t give them the attention. Don’t interview them in the street, don’t let them holler and swear and carry on for the viewing public, turn off the lights and cameras and cover the carnage in the morning. America, turn off your TV or go to another channel. Without an audience to play for, they may just go home and only the diehards and those rabble rousers shipped in will be left.

Put the nation back together by sending Jesse, Al and their ilk to the back of the bus and tell Obama he is white like the other half of the nation. Let’s get back to moving this country ahead and not back 60s. We need this nation to pull together again.


About julianaemmaberntsen

The best thing I ever did was pack my bags and hit the road as an a float pool and agency nurse. It opened up many new roads and experiences that will define the rest of my life. With a passion for antiques and vintage, I sell online and can be found at eBay. Totally retired now, I live with my yellow lab, Caleigh in a big old house packed with memories of raising three kids, three dogs, two cats and three rabbits while trying to maintain my sanity at times I chose gardening as my release valve. With career choices that ranged from being a nurse/EMT, to a Wal*Mart employee and bartender I have met so many people from different walks of life. Reflecting back, after burying one son and a husband, I wouldn't trade the experiences I have had in life for all the tea in China! I write under a combination of past relatives' names as someone else has already claimed mine...
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