What Does It Take For a Grown Man To Become A Father?

Some men grow up to be a father in all sense of the word. Others…not so much.

They are the ones that use their children as weapons. They force their children to love them in ways that are coerced with toys, lies and conceit. They teach the children to lie, to hate and to see the world through only their father’s warped sense of fairness and love. These are the men that raise children that grow up suspicious of the world, suspicious of anyone different from them and learn to hate at an early age. They are the ones that are sheltered and kept away from the real world and family. They nurture the children in an unnatural setting of hate and suspicious while feigning their love while teaching them to hate anyone else that enters their limited world.

These are the men that can only survive within toxic relationships where they are always the victor and the controlling partner. They possess neither empathy or sympathy but thrive on the sympathy showered on them by others to afraid to confront their behavior. They are the martyr, the one that has been wronged whether in real life or their imagined world. They are the ones to back away from. The ones that will suck you dry to leave you twisting in the wind with no self esteem anymore. They are the abuser that inflicts no physical scars only the scars deep within your soul.

If this relationship hurts only the one partner, the price of healing would be less, but when there are innocent children used as deadly pawns in the game, it takes on a whole new meaning of cruelty and abuse. The relationship of father and child becomes shattered as the years turn into emotional abuse along with blackmail until the victimized child begins to believe the twisted reality of the parental figure.

The effective use of children as pawns in the struggles of divorce and the ensuing custody leads to years of pain and constant re-telling of stories that have become so embellished with outright lies that no truth can be found in the muddled stories. This is the world of hatred and anger the child grows up in. It breeds distrust along with an ever-present anger which is quickly displayed with no reluctance to back down. Their upbringing has taught them to stand their ground as their convictions are the most important. Fairness is no longer considered, only that they are right and they are better than the opponents they refuse to listen to.

This is the legacy the child will carry through life. And, it is all because one person tried to exert his authority over his partner in life until she just picked a day when it became too much and she walked away. This will be the beginning downward spiral of a child which will be nurtured through childhood, into adulthood and beyond. The hatred will grow to encompass anyone who crosses their path.

Its reaching epidemic proportions today with no ‘cure’ in sight. Its a sad commentary on life today as we know it. The child, raised in such a toxic household will only continue the cycle until families are rendered useless in their world.


About julianaemmaberntsen

The best thing I ever did was pack my bags and hit the road as an a float pool and agency nurse. It opened up many new roads and experiences that will define the rest of my life. With a passion for antiques and vintage, I sell online and can be found at eBay. Totally retired now, I live with my yellow lab, Caleigh in a big old house packed with memories of raising three kids, three dogs, two cats and three rabbits while trying to maintain my sanity at times I chose gardening as my release valve. With career choices that ranged from being a nurse/EMT, to a Wal*Mart employee and bartender I have met so many people from different walks of life. Reflecting back, after burying one son and a husband, I wouldn't trade the experiences I have had in life for all the tea in China! I write under a combination of past relatives' names as someone else has already claimed mine...
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