It’s True


I have, in the last few years come to the conclusion there are people in this world I just plain don’t like. It took me years to admit it and to come to the conclusion it wasn’t me but them. They just don’t have the best personalities and frankly, they either lie, cheat, steal or try to make you look like the culprit in all the mutual relationships while they come out looking like the hero.

They can be friends who you thought you were close to at one time, they can be a relative, an employee, an employer, a neighbor or a community member. All of this has been brought to light with the advent of Facebook.

We all know these people. The ones that have over a thousand friends. Sorry, it’s just not true. They KNOW a thousand people that agreed to ‘friend’ them on Facebook. After that you agree to be their friend you are cast into ‘friends’ oblivion’ and left there to wither on the vine. They go on making little groupies out of everyone and thinking they are the most popular person around. Eventually  people get wise and clean them out of their friends list and the original person doesn’t even miss them.

I have been fussy about people I friend these days. I also clean out my cache periodically. If they are just there to keep an eye on my doings, they are gone because most likely they haven’t given me a like or a comment or said ‘hello’ to me in the gas station as they wait for their scratch off lottery tickets.

Now if they think they all deserve the big pat on the back because they have over a thousand friends of Facebook and they are on every board and committee in town. Good Luck with that. No one is holding their breath…

I have come to the conclusion I just don’t like a lot of people anymore….



About julianaemmaberntsen

The best thing I ever did was pack my bags and hit the road as an a float pool and agency nurse. It opened up many new roads and experiences that will define the rest of my life. With a passion for antiques and vintage, I sell online and can be found at eBay. Totally retired now, I live with my yellow lab, Caleigh in a big old house packed with memories of raising three kids, three dogs, two cats and three rabbits while trying to maintain my sanity at times I chose gardening as my release valve. With career choices that ranged from being a nurse/EMT, to a Wal*Mart employee and bartender I have met so many people from different walks of life. Reflecting back, after burying one son and a husband, I wouldn't trade the experiences I have had in life for all the tea in China! I write under a combination of past relatives' names as someone else has already claimed mine...
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