Johnny Depp & the Lace

Jack Sparrow

My washer and dryer are in my kitchen and today I am washing odds and ends that need to be tackled. The weather is cold, very windy and unpleasant. There is no sense in trying to go outside with the temperature at 34 degrees. I am back watching and listening to Johnny Depp’s trial with Amber Heard in regard to his lawsuit against her. It’s like watching a slow car crash, you just can’t look away.

However, back to the lace. I have been in the antique business for years. I sold in brick and mortar (stores), online, both eBay and Etsy and through my personal contacts made through the years. At one point I developed a relationship with two people that made costumes for Disney World and Disney’s movies.

They bought tools, supplies, fabric, notions, antique buttons and lace from me. The last shipment of lace and fabric was slated to be sent to the costumers doing one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I have always been curious if it ended up on one of Depp’s clothing items. It was wide, open work lace in an ecru color. Hand knit, it was beautiful, and I hated to part with it, but I had no use for it and it was time for the lace to find a new home.

In the early days of eBay there was a personal connection with the customers that bought my wares. We could correspond freely and I was able to learn about their trade and how my items would be used. Even as I moved to Etsy I was able to have that freedom with my customers. Nowadays it is very business like and there is no contact between seller and buyer unless it is for business. I miss the early days of selling.

If my lace is still sitting in a costume design area, I hope someday it is seen on the silver screen in all it’s splendor no matter who wears it. We know it will not be Johnny as Jack Sparrow but perhaps there will be another hero equal to the character we came to know and love.

About julianaemmaberntsen

The best thing I ever did was pack my bags and hit the road as an a float pool and agency nurse. It opened up many new roads and experiences that will define the rest of my life. With a passion for antiques and vintage, I sell online and can be found at eBay. Totally retired now, I live with my yellow lab, Caleigh in a big old house packed with memories of raising three kids, three dogs, two cats and three rabbits while trying to maintain my sanity at times I chose gardening as my release valve. With career choices that ranged from being a nurse/EMT, to a Wal*Mart employee and bartender I have met so many people from different walks of life. Reflecting back, after burying one son and a husband, I wouldn't trade the experiences I have had in life for all the tea in China! I write under a combination of past relatives' names as someone else has already claimed mine...
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